Over the past 21 years, JK Solutions Ltd has facilitated projects which have left a lasting legacy for Northeastern BC. Here are a few of those projects:

Encana Event Centre and Lakota Agriplex. In June 2001 JK Solutions Ltd. delivered the feasibility report which was the catalyst for these outstanding facilities to be built in Dawson Creek. The original RFP called for the replacement of an aging riding arena in Dawson Creek. Through consultation with stakeholders and evaluation of the economic development opportunities, the consulting team identified the opportunity to create a unique northern Event Centre with adequate seating to host financially viable events. The study called for the combined Event Centre and Equestrian facility to showcase Dawson Creek’s strong agriculture base and to postiion the area as a leading venue in Western Canada for Agriculture based events. The project was funded by the Peace River Regional District

In 1996 the Rural Road network in Northeastern BC collapsed due to the perfect storm of extraordinary precipitation combined with heavy industrial use on a road network that was not designed to support it. JK Solutions Ltd facilitated a diverse task force of government representatives, industry stakeholders and affected residents to lobby for change in the way the Provincial Government viewed the northern rural road network. Over a period of five years, the task force built business cases which lead to millions of dollars and hundreds of kilometres of roads to be paved for the first time. The Rural Roads Task Force (RRTF) helped change the way Victoria viewed the contribution of the Oil and Gas Industry to the Provincial coffers and its ROI in investing in road infrastructure. The RRTF was funded and directed by the North Peace Economic Development Commission.

One of the benefits of the work of the Rural Roads Task Force was the demonstrated link between road infrastructure and the health of the oil and gas industry in BC. JK Solutions Ltd. was contracted to consult with stakeholders and develop the recommendations for the Oil and Gas Initiative II which lead to an additional $100 million investment in Northeastern BC roads over a five year period. The project was funded by the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines.
The BC Governmnet viewed the work of the RRTF as a model which they replicated throughout the Province to ensure that infrastructure investments were planned and supported by industry and residents of each regions JK Solutions Ltd. facilitated a committee of industry, government and residential stakeholders over a period of four years. Each year the committee submitted an annual report of projects to be funded, supported by a business case for each project. JK Solutions Ltd. developed an expansive database of road socio economic attributes including population, services, oil and gas drilling and production volumes, agriculture output, timber values and other economic indicators. Combined with road attributes such as status, length and condition, the database supported the continued investment in Northeast road infrastructure. The project was funded by the BC Ministy of Transportation.